k8comp Docs

To encrypt any type of file/string k8comp relies on eyaml and hiera.

In the Quick start can be found the command to generate the keys to encrypt variables. hiera.yaml needs to have the correct values for this purpose. Example of hiera.yaml with eyaml enabled.

Please note that the secret in the final deployment file will be in the initial format before encryption. Usually kubernetes requires the secrets to be in base64 format. The yaml files can be stored in GIT as the secrets are encrypted.

The steps to create an encrypted secret are:

The eyaml command needs to be executed from the folder with the keys.

Example 1

The example is done using the latest CI container

1) Create a local folder to store the projects

mkdir k8comp-projects

2) Run the latest k8comp CI container

cd k8comp-projects
docker run -v `pwd`:/home/jenkins/code -it cststack/k8comp-ci-ssh bash
cd code

3) Pull the default hiera.yaml

curl -o hiera.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cststack/k8comp/master/examples/defaults/hiera.yaml

4) Generate the eyaml keys. The keys will be generated in ./keys folder

eyaml createkeys

5) Create projects and hieradata folders structure

mkdir -p hieradata/apps/nginx/
mkdir -p projects/nginx

Single value variable

To encode and encrypt a variable in Linux is enough to pipe the value to the base64 tool and eyaml

eyaml encrypt -s $(echo test100 | base64 -w 0)

The value obtained can now be stored in hiera as a variable value.

Example 2

Continue from Example 1

6) Create a secret.yaml file

echo '
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Secret"
  name: %{application}-%{secret_version}
  namespace: %{environment}
type: Opaque
  secret.properties: "%{secret_var}"
' > projects/nginx/secret.yaml

7) Create the secret

eyaml encrypt -s $(echo mySecretPassword | base64 -w 0)

8) Create hiera file with the secret created

echo '---
secret_version: 1516397999
secret_var: "ENC[PKCS7,MIIBiQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIBejCCAXYCAQAxggEhMIIBHQIBADAFMAACAQEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAS/iMdJVXxCe0aSw2FLokKexGZ7ILfioWizFf9zzCEsgeJ2qr54/nNhXc4hf9MktShIEzLovQvqPSRWZL3RoOok5d1fVE5EU+3vlG96MLyYjQBXXCpPN3KlJqEdjLGy9QgnOQg+m1kOrqtVooZEfPpR0eI504i7uhDk9CqE4D+SbcQbziNIxNIbRG5pQovNZK/DfFNc/7CHUn1rUb1UrYBvCTvst/8C2LbUI7vzCyEQmzuNyS/pvZLL3X1E4JNWc+IkzF6emez3/PT2ZP9617HAxW4sYKV6u2Q+yEEH2sKitpbS+XYi/hxuZHGG+Uw9Ur0PPVhxuegPSDuGubiuUyZDBMBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBCsosZIwHPILt6myRXc0RhygCBIsZYFpHPSAaZznCHhoDoNy5qZJ9kJCBmsyRxi2ZUicw==]"
' > hieradata/apps/nginx/development.yaml

9) Test the deployment

k8comp -a nginx -e development

File as variable

If a single value is not enough a file can be also encrypted as a secret. It can be any type of file (properties, env, tar, zip… etc).
To encode a file use below command:

eyaml encrypt -s $(cat secret.tar.gz | base64 -w 0)

The value obtained can now be stored in hiera as a variable value.

Please note that the container should be able to handle this type of secrets.

Example 3

Continue from Example 1

6) Create few test files

mkdir archive
echo '
url: http://example.com/api/v1
api_key: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
' > archive/vars

echo '
feature_x: enabled
feature_z: disabled
' > archive/features

7) Create and encrypt the archive

tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz -C archive .
eyaml encrypt -s $(cat archive.tar.gz | base64 -w 0)
rm -rf archive.tar.gz

8) Create a secret.yaml file

echo '
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Secret"
  name: %{application}-%{secret_version}
  namespace: %{environment}
type: Opaque
  archive.tar.gz: "%{archive_var}"
' > projects/nginx/secret.yaml

9) Create hiera file with the secret archive created

echo '---
secret_version: 1516397999
archive_var: "ENC[PKCS7,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]"
' > hieradata/apps/nginx/development.yaml

10) Test the deployment

k8comp -a nginx -e development

AWS Secrets Manager variable

k8comp can retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager also. The followings are currently supported:

Because k8comp relies on awscli to retrieve the secrets iam role authentication is also supported. Below is an example of ~/.aws/credentials file which will assume a role from outside of AWS infrastructure.

region = eu-west-1
aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_KEY

role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789102:role/k8comp-deployment
region = eu-west-1
source_profile = default

or from an EC2 instance

role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789102:role/k8comp-deployment
credential_source = Ec2InstanceMetadata

By running below command the role will be assumed and the secrets will be retrieved from AWS Secrets Manager.

k8comp -p galaxies -a andromeda/rc -e development --profile development

To retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager without assuming a role just use k8comp without specifying a profile.

Below is an example of ~/.aws/credentials

region = eu-west-1
aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_KEY

and below is the k8comp command

k8comp -p galaxies -a andromeda/rc -e development

For more information about role assume and how to configure the access using Multi Factor Authentication check official AWS documentation.