k8comp Docs

K8comp requires a k8comp.conf file present on the /opt/k8comp/ or on the same folder from where the command is executed (pwd).


Below can be found the default values for k8comp. If the default values are a good match then k8comp.conf is not required.

variable default value supported values description
k8comp_dir $PWD any Application main folder
custom_hiera $PWD/hiera.yaml any Custom hiera config file
hiera_path /usr/local/bin any hiera binary location
projects_path $PWD/projects any deployment files location
templates_path _templates any templates folder name. The folder is in projects_path
var_fail_safe false true/false set if the deployment should fail on variable not found
k8comp_environments disabled disabled/enabled each git branch equals an environment
auto_git_pull false true/false git pull before each deployment
main_deployment_branch master any works in conjunction with k8comp_environments
projects_repo empty any works in conjunction with auto_git_pull
hieradata_repo empty any works in conjunction with auto_git_pull
mapping extras/mapping none override deployment values. example
aws_sm_prefix AWSSM any the prefix for the AWS Secrets Manager variables

Example k8comp.conf.

The default k8comp.conf file is not required but is recommended to have a custom k8comp.conf in case the defaults will change.

Download the example k8comp.conf using below command.

mkdir $PWD/k8comp_projects
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cststack/k8comp/master/examples/defaults/k8comp.conf -o $PWD/k8comp_projects/k8comp.conf